First aid

1st High School of Kalampaka

Class B2

First aid is the first help that is given to a person who is suffering from an illness or injury in order to save their lives or help them recover. It is the first step before taking them to hospital.

It is very important to have a first aid kit at home because you can treat injuries that can happen anytime. It should have all the items necessary to take care of injuries, burns, cuts and sprains. It should be easily accessible so make sure that you put it in a place that everybody knows and can reach it in case of an emergency.

Here are some tips you should have in mind if an accident happens.

  1. Minor burns: cool the skin by running it under cold water for some minutes. Then clear of the water.
  2. Scrapes /Cuts: If it is a minor cut or scrape, clean it with water because water heals the wound faster. Don’t use soap but apply saline wound wash instead and cover it with a bandage. In case of a serious cut, avoid using water. Put on a pair of sterilised gloves and use pressure on the cut with a clean cloth to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, wrap it with a bandage and seek medical help.
  3. Choking: First, hit the person on their back to take out the object blocking the airway. If it the object doesn’t come out, hold the person round their waist and pull inwards and upwards above their stomach.
  4. CPR: Put the person with their back lying on the ground and lift their chin. Open their mouth and push hard and fast on their chest. Then do rescue breaths: shut their nose, put your mouth over theirs and blow air into their mouth. Keep performing chest pressure and rescue breaths in cycles until the person recovers.
  5. Nosebleeds: Lean the person’s head forward to avoid blood going down the throat. Then, press the nostrils together for some minutes so that the bleeding will stop. If it doesn’t stop, press it again.

First aid seminar – PDF



We would like to thank the Red Cross, Department of Trikala and, especially, the nurse trainer Eleni Giovanopoulou for organizing the seminar on First Aid at our school.